Dr. Preeti M Kanekal is a Pediatric Dentist. She graduated from Padmashree Dr. D.Y Patil Dental College and Hospital, Navi-Mumbai, Maharashtra.
From teething infants to apprehensive teenagers, no child likes to visit their dentist. However; she helps them with their dental needs based on Psychological understanding, Behavioral modification techniques and extensive Clinical Experience, to ease their fear and make them comfortable in the dental environment. With her child oriented style and sort of fun personality she creates a friendly rapport with her patients as well as their parents.
Her clinical work includes extensive procedures from providing Preventive measures such a Scaling, Sealant and Fluoride application to Curative procedures like Fillings, Root Canal therapy in Milk as well as Young Permanent teeth and Providing Crowns post pulp therapy (Stainless Steel Crown as well as Zirconia crown). Her work also includes delivery of Space maintainer appliance’s and Habit Breaking appliances, which will prevent any Malocclusions to occur in your child’s oral cavity. She has also expertized herself in providing children with Interceptive orthodontic appliances; these appliances will help to correct any malocclusion, which is seen in child’s oral cavity at an early age of 8- 10 years. She can handle kids under Local/ General Anesthesia and Nitrous oxide sedation technique.
Her mission is to create awareness of Pediatric Dental Health in children as well as parents and let them know that Milk Teeth are important; to eat well, look well, feel well and have that Charming Smile in their early age of life!